Mättande sallad som borde räcka till 2 personer:
4 stora potatisar
1 kruka sallad2 vitlöksklyftor
2 msk rypsolja
1 äpple
2 avocado
2 dl salta jordnötter
Koka, skala och skär potatisen i tärningar och sätt i en salladsskål. Riv och skölj salladen, låt droppa av. Finhacka vitlöken och blanda med potatisen och rapsolja. Skär äpplet i tärningar och blanda ner i skålen. Gräv ur fruktköttet ur avocadona, skär i tärningar och blanda ner i skålen. Blanda i salladen och jordnötterna i skålen. Servera med kranvatten.
A rich salad enough for 2 persons:
4 large potatoes
1 pot of salad
2 garlic cloves
2 tbsp rapeseed oil
1 apple
2 avocados
2 dl salted peanuts
Boil, peel and cut potatoes into cubes and place in a saladbowl. Tear off and wash the lettuce, let it drip dry. Finely chop garlic and mix with the potatoes and rapeseed oil. Cut the apple into cubes and mix into the bowl. Dig out the flesh from the avocado,cut into cubes and mix into the bowl. Mix the salad and peanuts into the bowl. Serve with tap water.
1 pot of salad
2 garlic cloves
2 tbsp rapeseed oil
1 apple
2 avocados
2 dl salted peanuts
Boil, peel and cut potatoes into cubes and place in a saladbowl. Tear off and wash the lettuce, let it drip dry. Finely chop garlic and mix with the potatoes and rapeseed oil. Cut the apple into cubes and mix into the bowl. Dig out the flesh from the avocado,cut into cubes and mix into the bowl. Mix the salad and peanuts into the bowl. Serve with tap water.