4 dl mjöl
2 tsk bakpulver/matsoda (jag har aldrig förstått skillnaden och nu har jag matsoda hemma)
½ tsk salt
50 g margarin
1½ dl mjölk
400 g köttfärs
1 msk rybsolja
1 lök
1 burk tacosås (200g stark)
2 vitlöksklyftor
2 tsk krossad svartpeppar
1 tsk salt
1 tsk chilipulver
2 tomater
2 dl gräddfil
2 dl riven ost
Ta fram 50 g margarin och låt stå i rumstemperatur ca ½ h
Sätt ugnen på 200 grader
Blanda ihop mjukt margarin med degens torra ingredienser
Häll i mjölken och knåda till en klimp
Tryck ut degen i en smord pajform
Hacka löken
Stek köttfärsen och löken i oljan
Finhacka vitlöken och lägg i stekpannan
När köttfärsen verkar klar tillsätter du kryddorna och tacosåsen
Låt puttra en stund medan du hackar tomaterna
Häll köttfärsen i pajskalet
Lägg de hackade tomaterna ovanpå köttfärsen
Blanda ihop gräddfilet och den rivna osten och bred ut smeten över pajen
Grädda i ugnen i ca 15 minuter tills ytan fått fin färg
Låt stå en god stund förrän du försöker börja äta så att pajen tar ihop lite.
Hope you have not been starving while waiting for new recipes. I have been abroad and eatingjunk food so there has not been much to report. But I have anyways made a couple of good things. This yummy pie is enough for 3-4 people, depending on how hungry you are.
4 dl wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
50 g margarine
1½ dl milk
400 g mincemeat
1 tbsp rapeseed oil
1 onion
1 jar tacosauce (200g strong)
2 garlic cloves
2 tsp crushed black pepper
1 tsp salt
1 tsp chili powder
2 tomatoes
2 dl sour cream
2 dl grated cheese
Take 50 g margarine and let be at room temperature approximately ½ h
Turn oven to 200 degrees
Mix together the soft margarine with dry ingredients of the dough
4 dl wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
50 g margarine
1½ dl milk
400 g mincemeat
1 tbsp rapeseed oil
1 onion
1 jar tacosauce (200g strong)
2 garlic cloves
2 tsp crushed black pepper
1 tsp salt
1 tsp chili powder
2 tomatoes
2 dl sour cream
2 dl grated cheese
Take 50 g margarine and let be at room temperature approximately ½ h
Turn oven to 200 degrees
Mix together the soft margarine with dry ingredients of the dough
Pour in the milk and knead into a ball
Press out the dough in a greased pie-thing (pot?)
Chop the onion
Fry the minced meat and onion in oil
Chop garlic and put in frying pan
When the minced meat seems ready, add spices and tacos sauce
Let simmer while chopping the tomatoes
Put the minced meat on the pie dough
Add the chopped tomatoes on top
Mix together sour cream and the grated cheese and spread the batter over the pie
Cook in oven for about 15 minutes until the surface gets nice color
Leave the pie to cool some time before you try to eat it, so that it holds together better
Press out the dough in a greased pie-thing (pot?)
Chop the onion
Fry the minced meat and onion in oil
Chop garlic and put in frying pan
When the minced meat seems ready, add spices and tacos sauce
Let simmer while chopping the tomatoes
Put the minced meat on the pie dough
Add the chopped tomatoes on top
Mix together sour cream and the grated cheese and spread the batter over the pie
Cook in oven for about 15 minutes until the surface gets nice color
Leave the pie to cool some time before you try to eat it, so that it holds together better
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